mardi 14 octobre 2008

Justice ?

The President of the U.S. would NOT continue reading and laughing with children after being informed his country was under SERIOUS terrorist attack, whilst his exact whereabouts was public knowledge. He would have been immediatley escorted under Secret Service guard to a covert location (it's standard operating procedure). this did not happen because he knew EXACTLY what was happening and his safety was not at threat. Another incompetent mistake made which corrupts the "official" story!

next one censored, why ???

if they look really for Justice, they have to give back to Joseph Ferraye what has been stolen on the Iraki funds and other funds...

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François de Siebenthal
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Présent :
La femme est, comme toujours, l'avenir de l'homme, et réciproquement.
Qui fera la pareille avec des visages masculins ? et

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