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Preventing the Next Financial Crisis: In December 2008 a high-powered (in every sense) group of economists, Federal Reserve and EU officials and others gathered at the Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. Center for Leadership and Ethics at Columbia University to figure out what went smash and how to stop the next one. I was there to write the final report, a quotable handbook to the underlying issues. Many of the subjects discussed in the report are still hot topics, which says a lot about how hard it has been and will be to reform the financial sector. Click here.
Why the crisis of business is only beginning: What does the financial crisis have in common with Watergate? A long tail that will change the dreams of generations to come. First published on Opendemocracy.net, a terrific source of ideas and debate and a great example of Creative Commons publishing. Click here.
The Social Credit proposals explained in 10 lessons and viewed in the light of the social doctrine of the Church; a study prepared by Alain Pilote on the occasion of the week of study that followed the Congress of the Pilgrims of Saint Michael in Rougemont, September 5-11, 2006. The Social Credit idea may raise many questions among our new readers, and one article is certainly not enough to answer all these questions, or to give a clear understanding of the whole concept of Social Credit. Besides, most people simply do not have the time to read long books on the subject. So, here is the solution: the Social Credit proposals explained in 10 lessons, each one being the logical continuation of the previous one. |
In This Age of Plenty Louis Even's masterpiece All those who appreciate Louis Even's writings on Social Credit will make it their duty to get this book, a masterpiece of logics and clarity. To the new readers of "Michael", we strongly recommend this book, which gives, in a simple but brilliant way, the best possible explanations on the new conception of economics that Social Credit represents. You can find on line on this site the complete book (50 chapters plus appendices). 410 pages, 14,5 cm x 21 cm, $20 by mail, from our Rougemont office |
 From Debt to Prosperity The booklet that caused Louis Even to understand Social Credit by J. Crate Larkin It is this booklet that changed the course of the life of Louis Even and made him a Social Crediter in 1934. "It was a great light on my path," Louis Even said. This 112-page booklet could change your life too! Order it now! The pricfe is $? by mail (Canada and U,S,A,), and $10 international. To download the PDF version of this book, click here (or on the picture of the cover of the book) (1,2 Mb) |
Two booklets on Social Credit by Louis Even The first booklet, "What Do We Mean By Real Social Credit?", explains that Social Credit is not a political party, but a series of principles expressed for the first time by engineer Clifford Hugh Douglas in 1918, and that the implementation of these principles would make the social and economic organism effectively reach its proper end, which is the service of human needs. These principles can be implemented by any political party in office, and there is no need of a "Social Credit Party" in power to have them implemented. This booklet is a must for anyone who wants to study Social Credit for the first time, since it contains a very good summary of Social Credit principles (A Primer of Social Credit), and replies to the more widespread objections to this doctrine. |
The second booklet, "A Sound And Efficient Financial System", is for those who have already some notion of Social Credit, but who want to know more about its practicability and technical aspects. It explains Douglas's three basic propositions for a sound financial system, and how they could be implemented: how to achieve a constant equilibrium between prices and purchasing power, how to finance private and public production, the financing of distribution through the social dividend to all, and finally, what would become of taxes in a Social Credit financial system. Two booklets of 32 pages, 21 x 27 cm $2.00 each (handling and shipping included) |
An exceptional offer: three books on Social Credit To study the cause of the present financial crisis And put an end to poverty amidst plenty It is urgent to start and form study circles in every country of the world to put an end to the present financial crisis and propose a solution that puts the economic and financial systems at the service of the human person. If we don't take action, we'll have a world government and the total loss of our freedom. These three books are:
1. The Social Credit proposals explained in 10 Lessons, viewed in the light of the Social Doctrine of the Church (151 pages); a study prepared by Alain Pilote that is used for our seminars on the occasion of the week of study. 2. In This Age of Plenty (410 pages), by Louis Even, a masterpiece of logic and clarity, with over 50 chapters plus appendices. 3. From Debt to Prosperity (112 pages) by J. Crate Larkin. It is this booklet that changed the course of the life of Louis Even and made him a Social Crediter in 1934. "It was a great light on my path," Louis Even said. Since our first goal is to spread the news and educate the population, we offer for a limited time, a special price for these three books (the prices given include the shipping): Social Credit in 10 lessons: 8 dollars In this Age of Plenty: 15 dollars From Debt to Proserity: 5 dollars There is also a better deal for those who wish to order in large quantities: 1 set of the three books: 25 dollars 5 sets (of the three books) 100 dollars 10 sets (of the three books) 175 dollars And we have a very good deal for those who want to organize study circles: 10 copies of Social Credit in 10 Lessons: 50 dollars; and 90 dollars for 20 copies. Send your cheque or money order to our Rougemont office (1110 Principale St., Rougemont, QC J0L 1M0). New books and DVD available
New Technologies – A hidden danger RFID chips: Microchips are being imposed on the population for medical purposes, inventory of products, and as a means of guaranteeing the safety of cashless transactions. But we all know that the purpose of this technology is to track every person and item on the planet. Genetic Engineering: GMO foods are being forced on countries by the World Trade Organization as a means of controlling food through corporations. GMO foods currently flood the market, causing disease and sickness. Synthetic Biology: Chemical warfare looms on the horizon, with many countries now in control of various biological weapons. Poisons, venoms, and disease are all potential means of causing the destruction of entire nations. (70 pgs.) $7.00 including shipping. DVD (2hrs.) $12.00 including shipping. Lightning, death, judgement and conversion New extended edition (2010) On May 5th, 1995, something extraordinary happened to Dr. Gloria Polo Ortiz, a dentist from Bogota, Colombia. She was taking shelter from a storm with her nephew, when both of them were struck by lightning. What happened to her afterwards was a miracle that led to her conversion and to a life of abandonment to the will of God. She tells her story in many different countries around the world, and has the approval of her diocese in Bogota, Colombia, and her spiritual director. Her testimony is an inspiration for all of us, and will increase our faith in Christ Jesus and His Holy Catholic Church. (104 pages.) $7.00 including shipping. Call to learn how you can save with a bulk order (10 books or more) and send your payment made out to: MICHAEL Journal. USA: 1 (888) 858-2163; Canada: 1 (450) 469-2209 – Canada | | |
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