"In essence, the present creation of money, out of nothing, by the banking system is, I do not hesitate to say it in order to make people clearly realize what is at stake here, similar to the creation of money by counterfeiters, so rightly condemned by law. In concrete terms, it leads to the same results."
Allais wrote too that the present international financial system is the biggest disinformation system in human history. The sons of darkness control this disinformation and crush the weak, often with the help of the ignorant of good faith. Let us unmask them, to give some fresh air amidst this general atmosphere of corruption.
28 August up to 8 September
Invitation to the Social Credit International Congress.
How to implement Caritas in Veritate ? With the presence of one Cardinal and four Archbishops...
Hello everyone,
We are pleased to announce our Week of Study and International Congress that will start on August 28th and run until September 7th. I am including in the attachment the scheduled activities that will be occurring during this time, as well as the plans for two pilgrimages to St. Joseph's Oratory and Our Lady of the Cape at the conclusion of the Congress. We are expecting people from all over the world to attend, with all five continents represented.
During our week of study, we will go over the "10 Lessons of Social Credit" in a step-by-step format with the author, Alain Pilote. There will be rest periods for discussion and questions. At the end of the Week of Study, we will have a day to speak about the local systems around the world, and techniques to apply this in your area. You will meet people who are key leaders in this field, and who were the founders of local systems in the Philippines, Madagascar, the United States and different parts of Canada. The weekend of the Congress will include presentations of each country; dignitaries from around the world will give us an overview of activities in their respective countries.
If it is possible, for the food, we recommend that you go to the store buy your necessary food, we have several stores that sell food in the nearby villages and we have a few small restaurants as well. Or, if it is possible, you may bring your lunches, we have several refrigerators for guest use. Lodging is here on the grounds, in our two houses, one for men and the other for women... or if you are only coming for the weekend, we may put you up in nearby monasteries, which is also free of charge. (Donations are appreciated).
Also, we have a dress code that we ask everyone to please follow: (as much as possible)
Women: please wear a skirt or dress with sleeves and collar (also, you may want to bring a sweater in case it is cool)
Men: please wear a jacket and long pants
Please confirm your reserveation as soon as possible, so that we can prepare your room.
Also, send us your itinerary so that we know when to pick you up at the airport.
May God bless you, and we hope to have you with us very soon!!!
Marie Anne Jacques
Secretary-Pilgrims of St. Michael
Social Credit and the Catholic doctrine, a study by nine theologians
Social Credit and the teachings of the Popes. A. Pilote
Social Credit is a philosophy of economic life. Louis Even
What is Social Credit? Practical Christianity!. Geoffrey Dobbs
Social Credit is the application of the Social Doctrine of the Church. Bishop Frankowski
For a better world, a Social Credit community. Louis Even
The primary objective of Social Credit: the blossoming of the human person. Louis Even
Legal to help youhttp://pavie.ch/articles.php?lng=fr&pg=711
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